
Showing posts from March, 2020


I agree with you, through all of this circumstances that are completely new to not only us students but to the teachers as well, which is why we all have to work together and come together to get through this, however long it lasts. The teachers have new responsibilities as do the students, I believe if we all follow through with our load we can make the absolute best of the online learning system. We may be tempted to cheat but I believe the majority of us are truly dedicated to our schooling and dedicated on doing the right thing. If we all contribute we can fly through this time that none of us has ever experienced before.


The plague in Athens hit way harder then COVID-19. The plague in Athens killed nearly 1/3 of the population which was a LOT of people. This plague has not killed near that number. But one of the biggest differences is that the Athens pandemic for the most part stayed in Athens because the Spartans were containing them inside their city, COVID-19 is a worldwide pandemic but the technology we have nowadays helps us be able to lower the impact and finding a cure un like what they had in Athens.


Philip || (May 21, 1527, September 13, 1598) was king os Spain during 1556-1598 he was also Alexander the greats father., when he was king Spain was at its highest point in history, he was the son of Charles V who was a holy roman emperor of Portugal. Philip contracted four marriages one with his cousin Maria of Portugal, another with Mary | of England, his third with Elizabeth of Valois, and finally Anna of Austria. Alexander The great (July 20 356 B.C, 336 B.C) he was a great king of Macedonia, he was devoted to training his men too be the very best. he would also go into battle beside his men. He was at war with Persia and also was going at it with Greece. When Alexanders dad died he took the throne and became a great king. Darius ||| the last king of the Achaemenid Dynasty, who was at war against Alexander the great. Darius tried to become friends with Alexander even offering a large ransom for his family, Alexander rejected both letters. Alexander then defeated his army as Dar


Alexander the great was just an average boy living a good life. They people of Macedonia brought in a horse that seemed untamable, when they tried to mount him he would kick up and they were going to put the horse down. Alexander stepped up and said he could tame the horse everyone laughed at him and said "and if you cannot", if he failed he would have to pay the full price of the horse. But he managed to tame him and the two became best friends. after his dad found out what he had done he was very proud of his son and told him to go out and find a kingdom that matched his worth because Macedonia wasn't enough for him.


This week was very weird. But I think by now I know what I have to do to be successful in the next two weeks of cyber school so my grades don't drop. Monday I got up and started my work at 8 am this did not work, I couldn't seem to focus or sit still. So I came up with a solution, right when I wake up I go exercise and then get a lift in. After that I get a shake get some food and then I start my work which seems to work and helped me stay focused. This is what I have done everyday since Tuesday and i plan on continuing this method.


Socrates was a firm individual who always thought for himself. While others believed the traditional greek mythology, socrates questioned everything and told people to not believe what they hear but believe in what they truly think is right. This got him in trouble for corrupting the youth and disrespecting the gods so he was sent to death by drinking a nasty poison called hemlock. Hemlock was definitely a bad way to go.


With the spartans containing Athens in the city Athens was getting anxious especially after the spartans started burning their crops. Since they are trapped in the city something worse came to them, a plague. This plague killed many athenians leaving them suffering and dying in a cruel harsh way. The city was trashed and was said to be a horrible place to be at this time. This is all under the role of Pericles which after his death made the democracy shook because all the people were trying to gain power and would do anything to get it.


1. Who was Pericles, and what were his goals for Athens?  Pericles was a statesman who led Athens from 461- 429 BC which is also known as the age of Pericles. His goals for Athens were to strengthen Athenian democracy, to strengthen the empire  2. How is a direct democracy run? a direct democracy is run directly through the people and  decisions are voted on by the people instead of decisions being made by representatives.   3. How did the Delian League work? At the time when Athens took over the area and the Athenian navy dominated all city states  The military allowed Pericles to treat other  members of the delian league as party of an empire. 


today in class we went over what we would do for the next two weeks while we are out of school because of the corona virus, this virus is spreading very fast and it is a global pandemic. This is very scary for us and new to everyone since this is the first time something liked this happened. We will have online schooling for the next two weeks or however long it takes the united stated to clear the country up and contain this horrible disease.


The foreign invaders burned the temple in Athens  themiscles plains to defeat the Persians at sea  Athens had a very strong navy  a greek tricked the Persians by telling Xerxes that to defeat the greeks he would have to send a bunch of ships behind the army and attack from behind little did Xerxes know that greek ships were waiting for them. Xerxes himself watches his ships get slaughtered by the greeks  at the end of the battle the Persians lost 10 ships full of soldiers  the Persians can now no longer guarantee that they can beat the greeks so they heard back to Asia minor.  After the war the tiny democracy began to grow Athenians have naval superiority in all off Greece  Athenians are the head of naval confederacy  delian league has become Athens empire 


Spartans food was awful  The helots were forced to work in fields  Spartans were ruthless warriors  one man seizes control of the government in the 6th century cleithness brother in law was a tyrant. Tyrant knew he had to find allies to maintain control of a city state  Greece had a very valuable economy Athens was set to support to the entire mediterranean  easter mediterranean had the best market in the world  Athenian wood was very valuable  Athens expansion left them in the darkest part of the streets  in the year 514 bc hiippyas brother was murdered  the tyrants whole mood and way of ruling changed after his brother  the tyrant became very harsh and suspicious of everything.  cliesthness conspired a theory tho take over the government in 510 bc cliesthness was one of the most powerful people in thew world ancestor of modern Olympic Games started in Greece. 


today in class we went over another powerpoint that we took notes on, The powerpoint was mainly about Socrates. Socrates was an Athenian philosopher who's method fostered critical thinking. he questioned greek mythology and used science and logic to try and figure out why the world was the way it was. He got arrested for "disrespecting the gods' and brain washing the youth. he was eventually put to death by drinking poison.  Then we learned about Plato who was a student and follower of Socrates. He wrote out Socrates’ teachings, and described his trial in his other book, Apology. Republic was Socrates’ discussion of justice and the ideal state.


The greeks are known to be very aggressive/violent people that are very skilled on the battle field, especially the spartans. The Spartans boys started training at the age of 7 and were "battle ready" at the age of 16. The Persian empire was a less skilled army but had way more people then Greece therefor the Persian empire greatly outnumbered them. Persians took over a small part of Greece where Athens then retaliated and got it back. This started the war and Xerxes wanted to throw everything they had at Athens. The Persians traveled to Athens and tried to take the over but Athens with the help of Sparta and the landscape ended up winning. The used a Phalanx which was a battle position where they could defend a small area from a lot of people and in the situation it worked very well because thermopile was a mountain pass where a small unit of soldiers could fend off a much larger unit of soldiers and they did so successfully.


Today in class we went over greek gods and goddesses. I personally find greek culture very interesting and I enjoy learning about their culture and mythology. Their Gods were a huge part of the greek culture. Zeus was the god of the heavens and earth and was known to hurl lighting bolts at people. Athena was his daughter who was born from his forehead fully armored and formed, she was the goddess of wisdom, skill, warfare, intelligence and battle strategy. She played a huge role in greek culture and the city state Athens named after her. Poseidon was Zeus's brother and was the god of the sea and hurricanes who tried and interfered odysseus from returning home. Finally Apollo was the god of art, music, knowledge, healing, and dance. He was the son off Zeus and was associated with the sun, his twin sister, Artemis, was associated with the moon.


Today in class we got our tests back, I got an 88 percent, not too bad but I was hoping that I did better. I got 4 questions wrong and those questions in my opinion were the hardest questions. I did study before the test and if I didn't study I would if gotten a very bad grade but luckily I remembered and I studied my notes and previous blogs and got an 88 percent. So in conclusion I did pretty good but I also could of done better.