
  • Spartans food was awful 
  • The helots were forced to work in fields 
  • Spartans were ruthless warriors 
  • one man seizes control of the government in the 6th century
  • cleithness brother in law was a tyrant.
  • Tyrant knew he had to find allies to maintain control of a city state 
  • Greece had a very valuable economy
  • Athens was set to support to the entire mediterranean 
  • easter mediterranean had the best market in the world 
  • Athenian wood was very valuable 
  • Athens expansion left them in the darkest part of the streets 
  • in the year 514 bc hiippyas brother was murdered 
  • the tyrants whole mood and way of ruling changed after his brother 
  • the tyrant became very harsh and suspicious of everything. 
  • cliesthness conspired a theory tho take over the government
  • in 510 bc cliesthness was one of the most powerful people in thew world
  • ancestor of modern Olympic Games started in Greece. 


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