
1. Who was Pericles, and what were his goals for Athens? 
Pericles was a statesman who led Athens from 461- 429 BC which is also known as the age of Pericles. His goals for Athens were to strengthen Athenian democracy, to strengthen the empire 

2. How is a direct democracy run?
a direct democracy is run directly through the people and decisions are voted on by the people instead of decisions being made by representatives. 

 3. How did the Delian League work?
At the time when Athens took over the area and the Athenian navy dominated all city states The military allowed Pericles to treat other members of the delian league as party of an empire. 


  1. Trevor, you missed one of Pericles' goals. I'm also wondering why part of the answer was copied-and-pasted in.



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