
Philip || (May 21, 1527, September 13, 1598) was king os Spain during 1556-1598 he was also Alexander the greats father., when he was king Spain was at its highest point in history, he was the son of Charles V who was a holy roman emperor of Portugal. Philip contracted four marriages one with his cousin Maria of Portugal, another with Mary | of England, his third with Elizabeth of Valois, and finally Anna of Austria.

Alexander The great (July 20 356 B.C, 336 B.C) he was a great king of Macedonia, he was devoted to training his men too be the very best. he would also go into battle beside his men. He was at war with Persia and also was going at it with Greece. When Alexanders dad died he took the throne and became a great king.

Darius ||| the last king of the Achaemenid Dynasty, who was at war against Alexander the great. Darius tried to become friends with Alexander even offering a large ransom for his family, Alexander rejected both letters. Alexander then defeated his army as Darius fled and was later killed by Bactrian.


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