

Dear future Trevor, This situation is crazy that we are in right now, its the first time something like this has ever happened to me. It really messed up freshman lacrosse season, the entire season was canceled. I wasn't too upset about that though to be honest, because I wanted to focus more on football and start on varsity as a sophomore. We will see what happens with that soon though hopefully this virus doesn't take away the football season too because I would be really upset if that happened. The whole online learning took some getting used too. especially getting up at a certain time to take a test or join an online class. Its crazy that my freshman year in high school is over. It feels like just yesterday I was learning about John Carrol and if I would wanna go there or not, look at me now. This summer I really hope its a good one because for the next couple summers I'm gonna be focusing on football a lot more to prepare for junior and senior season so this summer


Caesars grandnephew takes over the throne at the age of 18 Octavion defeats Lepidus at the battle of actium Ocavian was given the name "imperator" Imperator means supreme military commander  That is where we get the term emperor  Octavian rules for 40 years Pax Romana was 207 years long  Octavia expanded the Rome empire further into Africa he died of natural causes after his death the power was passed down to emperors Tiberius ruled from AD 14 to AD 37 Caligula ruled from AD 37 to AD 41 Claudius ruled from AD 41 to AD 54 Nero ruled from AD 54 to AD 68


I will be taking my test on June 2nd at 9am. solders loyalty was to their military leader not the government  Julias Caesar (100-44 BCE)   Julias was a highly successful general He made common folks happy  He made friends in high places  he appoints himself governor of gaul  n 44 BC he was named dictator  He created jobs for the poor increased pay for solders Julias was assisinated by his own senators who stabbed him 23 times  The senates were not punished this was the end of the republic.  


I am going to do the second choice. B


as Rome grew the gap between rich and poor grew wider  slaves formed 1/3 of Romes population  Tiberius and Gaius attempted to the poor of Rome  Tiberius spoke on behalf of the landless former solders.  as the republic grew more unstable generals began sexing power for themselves  Caesar was elected consul in 59n B.C. Caesar was a strong leader and military genius  Caesar governed as an absolute ruler, one with all power Augustus was Rome's most able emperor  agriculture was the most important industry in the empire  early romans worshipped powerful spirits called numina


The tunic wars were a set of wars between Rome and Carthage between 264 to 146 BCE, There was a total three wars. The first punic war was from 264-241 BCE and was a naval battle fought for the island of Sicily, Rome took the dub in this battle. the second war was from 218 to 201 BCE and was when Hannibal almost gets to Rome by going over the Alps with elephants The final war was fought from 149 to 146 BCE and Rome finally crushed Carthage and destroyed their city.


In that time, tyrants seized power in a very harsh way. They would do whatever it took to become king, even if it meant having to assassinate people close to them. The king of Rome had a daughter who married Tarquin who wanted the power, So he assassinated his wife father to gain that power. This just shows how the kings back then didn't care about their people and only wanted power. This made the whole system rigged because one could seize power by killing everyone who stands in their way. After this occurred the Rome people saw a problem with their own government and ran the entire family out of Rome. Then they got rid of tyranny all together and made a government quite like the one we still use today, The people (plebs) eventually got power to made decisions. We based our government off there government but with some differences like our "bill of rights" was their "twelve tables" and we have 100 senators that serve terms they had 300 aristocratic members that