
In that time, tyrants seized power in a very harsh way. They would do whatever it took to become king, even if it meant having to assassinate people close to them. The king of Rome had a daughter who married Tarquin who wanted the power, So he assassinated his wife father to gain that power. This just shows how the kings back then didn't care about their people and only wanted power. This made the whole system rigged because one could seize power by killing everyone who stands in their way. After this occurred the Rome people saw a problem with their own government and ran the entire family out of Rome. Then they got rid of tyranny all together and made a government quite like the one we still use today, The people (plebs) eventually got power to made decisions. We based our government off there government but with some differences like our "bill of rights" was their "twelve tables" and we have 100 senators that serve terms they had 300 aristocratic members that served for life.


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