Western Civ 2/3/20

Today is class was the end off the plague and almost all the sick students came back but they had a lot of work to so the people that were there all week (like me) worked on the blog for today and any other makeup work from a different class. Through the week we learned about Egypt, Egyptians were polytheistic and believed in many gods such as Re the sun god, Osiris the god of the dead, and Isis, goddess representing the ideal mother and wife. Egyptians believed in an afterlife, where their hearts would be weighed by Anubis and had to be as light as a feather or the devourer of souls would appear and eat it.The Egyptians had many beliefs like the belief that the pharaoh or king of Egypt was a god and to be treated like one. They also had social class so they were more elite and powerful Egyptians that got the opportunity to be mummified and welcome to the afterlife. 


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