Western Civ 2/10/20

Today in class we got our tests back. I got an 88 so I guess I did ok. After everyone got their tests back we did questions 1,3,4, and 5 on Greece in out textbook.
1) Mycenaean- people who settled on the greek mainland around 200 B.C
 -Trojan war- a 10 year war against Troy 
-Dorians- people that moved into into the war torn countryside
-Homer-a blind storyteller
-Epics-narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
-Myths-Traditional Greek stories about their gods
3)Greece lacked natural resources so the sea was available for trade and also made Greece become skilled sailors
4) the Mycenaeans learned how to trade by sea and saw the use in that. They also developed the Minoans writing system, religious practices, art, politics, and literature.
5)The Greeks lacked literature and were forced to have learned history through spoken word so the epics give us literature on Ancient Greek history.


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