Western Civ 1/5/20

Today in class we went over the powerpoint as we took notes. Here are my notes

-Afterlife (ka) which the mummified bodies to preserve them for this past death journey
-Earliest Egyptians writing formed around 3100 b.c.  which were small pictures known as hieroglyphics
-egyptian scroll was written in ink on papyrus
-papyrus was stored in scrolls which were the ancient books of egypt
-the delta is where the nile river widen and emptys out into the mediterranean sea
-nile flows from south to north
-cataracts are the rapids of the nile
-nile river is about 4100 miles long
-temple of Amon at Karnark is the worlds largest religious building \
-The guy who broke the code of the rosette stone was a man names Jean Fransois Champallion


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