
Today in class we went over the Greece powerpoint again, we took more notes and we found out we have a test on Greece on Thursday which is going to be a big test that is worth a lot of points. We learned that the term Draconian is a very im portent term which is a very harsh way to rule or to be very harsh. We also learned that the Draco law allowed slavery debt which is a horrible concept especially to the poor people that cannot afford anything. Slavery debt is where a poor person can borrow money from a wealthier person but if they don't pay it back to the wealthy person in a given amount of time they have to be  a slave for them and the time depends on how much money was borrowed. We also learned about the election between Isagoras and Cleisthenes which isagoras had the power of the aristocrats and also the power of Sparta but Cleisthenes has the people of Athens for him and Isagoras won, but, the athenian people revolted against him and banished him from Greece where he then joined the Persian empire in hope of revenge. Then in 508 BCE is when Cleisthenes became the ruler and started the government which we still use today in our country called a "democracy"


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