Western Civ 1/28/20

Today in class we learned more about Ancient Mesopotamia, in other words the land between the two rivers. The two rivers are the tigris and Euphrates. We also learned about Hammurabi and his laws. That was called "Hammurabi's Code" and they were written on stones that were around the land so no one had an excuse to break the law they were all expected to know it. Another thing we learned is that men had more power then the women for example if a women was caught cheating on the husband both of the people that were caught would be strapped together and drowned but the husband could say if he didn't want them to die but the wife didn't have a say. This goes with one of Hammurabis law what is equivalent to an eye for an eye saying you get what you deserve. And also fertile mud is called silt.

The countries that make up Mesopotamia are Syria, Iran, Iraq, and turkey.


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