Western City Pg 29-34 questions

Q1- Write the definition for the following terms
Fertile Crescent- The Regions curved shape and fertile farming land.
Mesopotamia- Word the means "land between rivers"
City State-a city and its surrounding land it controls.
Dynasty- A series of rulers coming from the same family
Cultural diffusion- When an idea or product is passed from one culture to another.
Polytheism- The belief in in there being more then one god.
Empire- Brings together several groups of people or nations under one ruler
Hammurabi- A Babylonian ruler during the old Time

Q2-What were three environmental challenges to Sumerians.
1-No natural barrier surrounding the land so there was minimal protection.
2-Natural resources were limited so it was hard to get basic stuff to build with and eat.
3- Unpredictable flooding with little to no rain causing the land to almost be a dessert.


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