
Showing posts from January, 2020

Western Civ 1/30/20

some vocal wordsdelta, narmer, pharaoh, theocracy, pyramid, mummification, hieroglyphics, and papyrus. Delta is the North, near the sea in lower Egypt. A Narmer is a king. A pharaoh is an Egyptian god- king. Theocracy is a a type of government in which rule is based on religious authority. A pyramid is the resting place after death. We also got our quizzes back and the people who had to take the test took the test in class. We finished the chapter today and took notes again. we also talked about the Tostitos and Wawa logo and the hidden messages in the logos. In the Tostitos logo there is two people sharing a chip and the Wawa logo is actually a goose and the actual word " Wawa" is the sound that the geese make 

Western Civ 1/29/20

Today in Class we learned about ancient Egypt and their way of life. In Egypt they relied on the Nile River to provide them with fertile soil and food and water. also they used it to trade with other people.  But the problem with the nile is when the flood water were down the silt was greatly reduced causing hunger due to the lack of crops being produced. But when the flood water were high the unwanted water will destroy houses and seeds that the farmers need to plant. Egypt ran a theocracy which was the government that focuses on religion and is formed laws around that. The Kings in ancient Egypt are called Pharaoh and to Egyptians the Pharaoh is equivalent to a god and treated that was as well. The ancient Egyptians also built pyramids for the dead Kings that lived in the old age. These kings were mummified and there bodies were preserved. The mummification process is only done for the royal and elite Egyptians and it is said they being mummified offers a definite pass into the after

Western Civ 1/28/20

Today in class we learned more about Ancient Mesopotamia, in other words the land between the two rivers. The two rivers are the tigris and Euphrates. We also learned about Hammurabi and his laws. That was called "Hammurabi's Code" and they were written on stones that were around the land so no one had an excuse to break the law they were all expected to know it. Another thing we learned is that men had more power then the women for example if a women was caught cheating on the husband both of the people that were caught would be strapped together and drowned but the husband could say if he didn't want them to die but the wife didn't have a say. This goes with one of Hammurabis law what is equivalent to an eye for an eye saying you get what you deserve. And also fertile mud is called silt. The countries that make up Mesopotamia are Syria, Iran, Iraq, and turkey.

Blog Post 3

today we learned about prehistory and how it was the period before writing so nothing could be recorded. The human species emerged in Africa about 200,000 years ago. There are two ages one the Paleolithic age which is the older Stone Age and neolithic age which is the newer Stone Age.  the neolithic Stone Age resembled the start of humans advancing by making tools houses food and fire and sipped from hunters gathers which is what they were ion the Paleolithic age. Populations rose after this and village life arose. Women take care off the children snd men did all the other tasks. Also the wheel and plow were invented which increased the amount of food we could produce and store which was a huge help in that time.

Western City Pg 29-34 questions

Q1- Write the definition for the following terms Fertile Crescent- The Regions curved shape and fertile farming land. Mesopotamia- Word the means "land between rivers" City State-a city and its surrounding land it controls. Dynasty- A series of rulers coming from the same family Cultural diffusion- When an idea or product is passed from one culture to another. Polytheism- The belief in in there being more then one god. Empire- Brings together several groups of people or nations under one ruler Hammurabi- A Babylonian ruler during the old Time Q2-What were three environmental challenges to Sumerians. 1-No natural barrier surrounding the land so there was minimal protection. 2-Natural resources were limited so it was hard to get basic stuff to build with and eat. 3- Unpredictable flooding with little to no rain causing the land to almost be a dessert.

Western Civ Blog 1

Today in class we learned about the rules that you have to follow and procedures that will help us to succeed in the class. A big rule is to put your phones away in the pocket and don't have your laptops open. We have to have a composition notebook by Friday so we can take notes which is crucial to complete your blog every night. Make sure you complete your blogs so the points add up and it helps you get a good grade in the class. I already have used the bathroom once in the class. And the learners that don't like talking is key to the non presentation and non class participation grades to make everyone have a fir chance at getting a good grade.