
Showing posts from April, 2020


Roman patricians and plebeians are very similar to greek class system. In Greece the Aristocrats basically had all the power over everyone else. In Rome it's pretty much the same exact way, the Patricians had all of the power, and usually consisted of wealthier people. The Plebeians are everyone else, mostly slaves and or the common people.


Republic-a government where citizens vote for leaders  Patrician-wealthy landowners who held a lot of power Plebeian-the common people who made up the population  Tribune-an assembly of plebeians to elect representatives  Consul-two officials of Rome.  Senate-the aristocratic branch of Romes government  Dictator-a leader who had absolute power and could command the army  Legion-large military units  Punic  Wars- a war between Rome and Carthage, there were 3 wars  Hannibal-a brilliant military strategist who wanted to avenge Carthage's defeat 


My essay topic will be about the trojan war, one of the most influential wars in the world.  The first paragraph would be an introduction to Greece and how they fought wars in that time period. My second paragraph would be on who fought in this specific war and why they began to fight. The next paragraph would cover the war it and who won and the tactics used by either sides. The fourth paragraph would cover the thoughts on the war being fake because greek mythology told the stories of the war using greek gods. The final paragraph would explain the significance of the war to greek history.


1)What were the two main city states in Greece -Athens and Sparta 2)What was Spartas primary focus -War, military, and combat 3) Athens was known for having the strongest _____ -Navy 4)Who was the God of the sea Posidion 5)Who led the spartans during the 300 war -Leonidas


1) How did Plato define The Forms? He argued that beyond our imperfect world was a perfect world of forms, where the ideal versions of things and concepts we see around us.  2) Who are the three groups in Plato’s ideal society?  Producers, Military, and Rulers  3) What were Plato’s thoughts on women?  Women should be equally able to rule in a city, He also thought a women womb was a live animal.  4) What was the Noble Lie that Plato proposed? "we are born with, gold silver, or a mixture of brass and iron in our souls, which determines our roles in life. 


The Mighty Spartans  The mighty gold and blood red armor was a fierce sight to see. When they march all of Greece can hear their triumph  Their spears with points so sharp they could penetrate anything  Their battle cries can be heard from around the world Training since they knew how to walk  The bravest solider to this day and most skilled  Giving their own lives for all the other Greeks to hide and run from the Persians  Leonidas leading his army and fighting alongside  The Spartans were a force to be reckoned with. 


This is the temple of sues that is located in Athens. Zeus was the God of the heavens and played a HUGE role in greek mythology. Its in the center of the greek capital Athens, it was started to built in the 6th century the work was stopped form unknown reasons. This is the  Parthenon, Acropolis  and is a very important building in greek history. it stood on the citadel of the acropolis, the building was made for the goddess of wisdom otherwise known as Athena, the goddess that Athens is names after.


There were 2 major types of drama that were performed in theaters, the first is Tragedy which is a serious drama which displayed common themes like love, hate, war, or betrayal. The second theme is comedy which contained scenes of slapstick situations and crude humor. Ancient plays in Greece and plays today are very similar, both are performed in a theatre in front of an audience, there are more themes In plays today but we still perform comedies and tragedies. John Carrol performs plays too, I myself has never been in one but its still very similar to back then. we still dress up and act like characters in a story. The ancient theaters are a little different, instead of stone seating there is now foam seating and most stages are inside are a little more complex. But the idea is almost identical in general.